Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tickled Pink

What do you do when you have a pink top and no jewelry to wear with it?
Well, if you're me, you make something! I haven't gone through my collection of beads since we moved here, but I have picked up a few things since we got here. I bought some flip flop charms and have wanted to use them. What better way to use them than with pink (which just happens to be my absolute FAVORITE color!)

So, I sorted out what I decided I really wanted to use for this project, as you can see by my highly scientific sorting method.
I started with the earrings this time since I think that's my favorite part. I normally do earrings last.

And this is what I ended up with!
We'll see how everyone likes it at my meeting tonight (to which I will be wearing pink, of course!)


  1. I love your highly scientific sorting method! The beads too!

  2. I like those earrings, so cute! And as for the sorting method, I'm always looking at stuff before I throw it away, saying to myself, "Can I use this for storing (or whatever) scrapbook stuff?" Especially since space is tight, and anything to help keep me organized! lol
